Affan Adly Nazri

Radio Cosmology Research Laboratory, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia


I am a Ph.D. student at the Radio Cosmology Research Laboratory, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. My research interest lies in various fields of astronomy and astrophysics, including high-mass star formation, high-redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs), galaxy clusters and filaments, radio frequency interference (RFI), and fast radio bursts (FRBs).

I am currently working on maser emissions from high-mass star-forming regions to understand their accretion-outflow processes, primarily using data from the KVN and VERA Array (KaVA) under the star formation group. I am also a part of the Radio Galaxy Environment Survey (RAGERS) team, looking into protoclusters and high-redshift radio galaxies in submillimeter.

I am a Python programming enthusiast and a LaTeX aficionado. I am also a tech lover who enjoys working with both hardware (e.g. PC building, network infrastructure, IoT) and software (e.g. servers, storage solutions, virtualization). On the side, I enjoy playing games (mainly Apex Legends and NES Tetris), solving Rubik’s cubes, and playing the guitar.


Jun 13, 2024 The JCMT Users Meeting 2024 is a wrap! Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the success of the meeting
Nov 28, 2023 My first accepted paper, “Limits of Water Maser Kinematics: Insights from High-Mass Protostar AFGL5142-MM1” on MNRAS
Feb 10, 2023 The end of IAU Symposium 377 and IAU Monsoon School 2023, logistics LOC signing out!
Jan 16, 2023 Attended my first physical conference, the Global Malaysian Astronomers Convention, 2023. Happy to meet many local astronomers and astrophysicists in person. Looking forward to the next one
Sep 01, 2022 Started my Ph.D. at Universiti Malaya under the supervision of Prof. Zamri Zainal Abidin from the Radio Cosmology Research Laboratory

selected publications

  1. Limits of water maser kinematics: Insights from the high-mass protostar AFGL 5142-MM1
    Zulfazli Rosli, Ross A Burns, Affan Adly Nazri, Koichiro Sugiyama, Tomoya Hirota, and 12 more authors
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Dec 2023
  2. A&A
    The RAdio Galaxy Environment Reference Survey (RAGERS): Evidence of an anisotropic distribution of submillimeter galaxies in the 4C 23.56 protocluster at z = 2.48
    Dazhi Zhou, Thomas R. Greve, Bitten Gullberg, Minju M. Lee, Luca Di Mascolo, and 39 more authors
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Oct 2024